Activate Your Goals - Achieve Amazing Results in 2018

Activate Your Goals - Achieve Amazing Results in 2018

One of the questions I'm often asked by others, whether it's clients I see in clinic, or friends & family is...

'How do you manage to get so many things done?' or 'Can you teach me how I can fit more of the things that I want to achieve into my life whilst still having energy for my... work, partner, children, family, friends, exercise, me time, etc?'

As I reflect on this last year, & look forward to all that the New Year brings... I have a process that I do in setting my goals & intentions for the year ahead that I know helps me to navigate my path... & leads me with greater ease to achieve the results I desire. 

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Resonate Essences Sprays Experience

Resonate Essences Sprays Experience

Join Rachelle & Mel, founders of Resonate Essences for a FREE INFO NIGHT exploring the Resonate Sprays & Oil Blends.

You will gain a deeper understanding on how to use the products to clear your energy body or a room... and the group will be guided through gentle meditations & visualisations to support the energetic shifts.

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Energy Cleanse Your Home

Energy Cleanse Your Home

Start off 2017 with an Energy Springclean...first Full Moon of the year...a great opportunity to spring clean the energy of your home or workspace to clear out the old challenges & stuck junk from last year & start the year anew!

All you need is some Sage Smudge + some beautiful healing vibrational music to play (we always use a healing mantra sung by Deva Primal & Mitten) + Resonate Essences Divine Grace (to cleanse patterns of hardship, suffering & struggle) + Resonate Essences Angelic Support (to bring in Angelic Realm support & protection for your space).

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MindBodySpirit Time Again!

MindBodySpirit Time Again!

Finished bumpin... & all is ready for the Sydney MBS that kicks off tomorrow. This year the tickets are FREE...just jump onto the website to pre-register or you can do it at the Festival when you arrive. Come visit us & say Hi... we would love to see you!

Resonate Essences is at stand D12... for both Sydney & Melb mid Nov... & we will be offering our Resonate Kinesiology half hour sessions for $30 (normally $120 a session in clinic) & doing free Energy Scans for your Personal Program of products to support transformation in your life.

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Resonate With Us

Resonate With Us

Thank you for joining us on our beautiful brand new website & blog!

This is our space for sharing news, insights & updates on our travels around the world as we share the Resonate Essences with like minded souls.

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xo Rachelle and Mel.