
Our Story

Those that knew me closely in my twenties, would recall I was constantly searching for my ‘purpose in life”…driven by this inner knowing that there was, & still is, a very specific reason for my being here on the planet… alongside my role of mum to four beautiful boys.

At age 33 years, during a traumatic period of grief & loss in my life… and the sudden onset of nut anaphylaxis, came that moment when I truly knew what my purpose for being here is…creating & being the channel for the Resonate Essences.

During my second Near Death Experience (NDE) I was gifted by Spirit the recipes, dates & locations around the Earth for creating the colour, light & sound frequency combinations for the Resonate Essences range. It was the most life changing experience in my current reality… and it set me off on a path to discover how best to create these, maintaining honour & integrity in the unique information that was passed on to me. The first date for their creation was set at the time of the download from Spirit as September 2011, so I spent those seven years mastering, learning & perfecting the ways in which these magical tools of change could be anchored in a physical form of an essence, spray & oil.

Blessed with divine synchronicities & inspirational teachers, I collected gifts of wisdom from many leaders in my field along the way…always with an awareness that there was someone destined to come along my path, a spiritual sister who’s life purpose was also to work with me in anchoring the Resonate Essences in the world. My spiritual sister was hidden in plain sight!... a friend & colleague that I worked with & shared many amazing trainings & adventures with, until one day our lifepaths became aligned. Under deep trance meditation, Mel described in great detail the information that had come from my NDE…that she consciously was not aware of… where I kept this information stored in a book in my home…that she had never been to… & stated “I’m meant to do this with you, it’s also my life purpose”.

Charged with that shared mission & purpose, we have placed complete trust in the Divine & travelled the planet creating the vibrational blueprints for the 99 products in the Resonate Essences range… and we hope you love them as much as we do!


Rachelle is passionate about empowering others to take responsibility for creating changes in their lives after working through her own health challenges: life threatening allergies and being told to ‘live in a bubble’. Rachelle Sewell is a Kinesiologist, Hypnotherapist & Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression practitioner who has worked with thousands of clients to facilitate change in their health & well being.

“My greatest joy comes from seeing others overcoming their obstacles to achieve their dreams, whether that’s having more energy, finding loving relationships, conceiving a child, or living a more fulfilling & financially rewarding life.”

Rachelle is Creator & Co-Founder of the Resonate Essences with Mel Simmons…vibrational tools used to shift your state and raise your vibration, helping people around the world to grow & change.


  • Diploma of Kinesiology (PKP), member AKA, ATMS (Aust), AIK, IICT
  • Diploma Clinical Hypnotherapy
  • Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression Training
  • Past Life Regression Training
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner (NLP)
  • Timeline Therapy Practitioner
  • Neuro-Organisational Technique (with Bernard Carson)
  • Primitive Reflexes Training (with Bernard Carson)
  • Kinergetics Training (with Phillip Rafferty)
  • Sabotage Clearing & Goal Enhancement (with Malcolm Chaffer)
  • Candida Balancing (with John Holodnak)
  • Journey Practitioner Training - Brandon Bays
  • Journey Satsang Pilgrimage to India 2011 & Romania 2016 with Brandon Bays
  • Touch for Health & Trainers Workshop
  • ICPKP Faculty Level 1 Trainer
  • Sacred Mystery School Training
  • Bachelor of Business
  • Creator & Trainer Resonate Essences Practitioner Training


Mel Simmons is a Kinesiologist and Energetic Practitioner who is driven in her passion for assisting clients and their families to have greater awareness and self-empowerment regarding their physical and emotional wellbeing. Mel’s journey to assist others began when she set about, and successfully changed, her own child’s severe learning delays. This developed her keen desire to empower others with the realization that all healing starts within.

 “It is truly fulfilling when I can help to give awareness or a change in perception to a client or parent that is having difficulty in opening up to the infinite possibilities that will enable them to live their goals and dreams everyday!”

Mel is Co-Founder of the Resonate Essences with Rachelle Sewell…vibrational tools used to shift your state and raise your vibration, helping people around the world to grow and change.


  • Diploma of Kinesiology (PKP), member AKA
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner (NLP)
  • Timeline Therapy Practitioner
  • Kinergetics Training (with Phillip Rafferty)
  • Journey Practitioner Training - Brandon Bays
  • Journey Satsang Retreat – India 2011 with Brandon Bays
  • The Reconnection Training
  • Touch for Health & Trainers Workshop
  • ICPKP Faculty Level 1 Trainer
  • Creator & Trainer Resonate Essences Practitioner Training


Rachelle & Mel give regular workshops, trainings & presentations at Health & Wellness industry conferences & Spiritual / Afterlife festivals in Australia, USA & Canada.

Please email for our latest Speaker Bio or to discuss corporate training opportunities